7:00 pm Men's Bible Study

Every first and third Wednesday until May 20, 2025

7:00pm – 9:00pm

GCF  View Map

Coordinator:  Ronaldo Barbosa


The elders desire to engage the GCF men in discipleship and encourage them in the quest to be the Christian leaders they are meant to be. Although, we are still utilizing the "Men of Grace and Granite" curriculum as outline. This year will focus on the broader topics of marriage and family, wisdom in singleness and conflict resolution. A schedule with dates, themes, and assignments are posted below "Men's Study Materials". The main textbook for this year is Stuart Scott's book, The Exemplary Husband, but we also want to encourage the men with practical assignments from supplementary reading as tools to improve communication in different areas of marriage and to the singles to help them to prepare for marriage: 1) For the singles: Ernie Baker, Marry Wisely, Marry Well: A Blueprint for Personal Preparation; 2) For the marrieds: Lou Priolo, The Complete Husband


MG&G Lesson

The Exemplary Husband [1]

The Complete Husband [2]

Marry Wisely, Marry Well [3]


S7 – Study 1

The Family That God Blesses





 S7 – Study 1

Defining Real Biblical Manhood

Ch. 5: A Husband’s Understanding of Marriage

Ch. 1: I Wish She Came with a Manual

Ch.1: Building on Wisdom



S7 – Study 2 Reversing the Curse in Marriage 1

Ch. 6: A Husband’s Understanding of His Role

Ch. 8: Pleasing Possibilities

Ch. 2: Christ, the Foundation of Wisdom


S7 – Study 2 Reversing the Curse in Marriage 2

Ch. 8: A Husband’s Responsibility – Love

Ch. 5 & 6: How to Love you Wife

Ch. 3: Growing Wiser about Attractions



S7 – Study 2 Reversing the Curse in Marriage 3

Ch. 9: A Husband’s Responsibility – Leadership 1

Ch. 13: Me, a Spiritual Leader?

Ch. 4: God’s Design for Marriage


S7 – Study 2 Reversing the Curse in Marriage 4

Ch. 10: A Husband’s Responsibility – Leadership 2


Ch. 5: Wise Living During Your Single Years


S7 – Study 2 Reversing the Curse in Marriage 5

Ch. 11: A Husband’s Responsibility – Intimacy

Ch. 10: Sexual Relations in Marriage

Appendix I: Hints, Suggestions, and Attitude Helpers About Sex

Ch. 6: Ingredients for Wise Relationships


Singleness and Dating

Ch. 14: A Husband’s Resolve – Sensitivity

Ch.  2: Back to School for the Rest of My Life

Ch. 6: Ingredients for Wise Relationships


S4 – Study: Bringing Unity to Divided Leadership


Ch.  17: A Husband’s Resolve – Conflict Resolution

Ch. 7: How to Fight Back Without Getting Even

Appendix G: Things to Say to Defuse an Argument with Your Wife

Ch. 7: Knowing When You Are Ready for Marriage


S7 – Study 3 Cultivating Forgiveness in the Home

Ch.  16: A Husband’s Resolve – Good Communication

Ch. 3: So, What’s There to Talk About?

Ch. 4: A Crash Course on Biblical Communication

Ch. 8: Wisdom and God’s Will


S7 – Study 4 Peacemaking in the Home

Ch. 15: A Husband’s Resolve – Helping His Wife to Deal with Her Sin

Appendix E: How To Instruct Your Wife with Gentleness

Appendix F: Guidelines For Giving Directives to Your Wife

Ch. 9: Wisdom and Methodologies


S7 – Study 5 The Heart of Anger

Ch. 18: A Husband’s Regret - Anger

Appendix H: Righteous Anger Versus Sinful Anger

Ch. 10: The Result of Building Wisely


S7 – Study 6 Fathers in the Home

Successful Parenting

Parenting Young Children as a Father – Melvin Dirkse


Appendix 1: Study Psalm 18


S7 – Study 6 Fathers in the Home

Fathers to Sons

Parenting Adult Children as a Father – Jim Newheiser


Appendix 2: Marriage Preparation



Dealing with Stress

Ch. 19: A Husband’s Regret – Anxiety and Fear




Keeping the Marriage Bed Undefiled

Ch. 20: A Husband’s Regret – Lust




 S14 – Study: Divorce and Remarriage – Part 1 & Part 2

Divorce & Remarriage Controversies – Jim Newheiser




S14 – Study: Divorce and Remarriage – Part 3

Divorce & Remarriage Controversies – Jim Newheiser




[1] Stuart Scott and John MacArthur, The Exemplary Husband: A Biblical Perspective (Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing, 2002).

[2] Lou Priolo, The Complete Husband: A Practical Guide for Improved Biblical Husbanding, 2nd ed. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2017). This is supplementary reading for the married men with growth projects to be done with wife.

[3] Ernie Baker, Marry Wisely, Marry Well: A Blueprint for Personal Preparation (Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press, 2016). This is supplementary reading for the single men with personal growth projects.


[1] Stuart Scott and John MacArthur, The Exemplary Husband: A Biblical Perspective (Bemidji, MN: Focus Publishing, 2002).

[2] Lou Priolo, The Complete Husband: A Practical Guide for Improved Biblical Husbanding, 2nd ed. (Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing, 2017). This is supplementary reading for the married men with growth projects to be done with wife.

[3] Ernie Baker, Marry Wisely, Marry Well: A Blueprint for Personal Preparation (Wapwallopen, PA: Shepherd Press, 2016). This is supplementary reading for the single men with personal growth projects.